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She Said YES!

Writer's picture: Shawn R CreamerShawn R Creamer

YA’LL!! Meet Sam!

Sam will soon be the newest addition to our family and my only son-in-law, forever! Isn’t he handsome? More importantly, he loves my baby girl to pieces!!

We only met Sam 6 months ago, but we have been praying for him for 28 years. Since the moment the doctor laid Taylor in my arms, her daddy and I have prayed for the man who would one day take her away from us.

Throughout the years we prayed that the man who God would bring to Taylor was being loving raised in a Christian home. He was.

We prayed that this little boy would have a wonderful childhood surrounded by family and be influenced by men and women of Christ. He was.

We prayed that he was being taught about Jesus and how much Jesus loves him. He was.

We prayed that one day he would come to know this Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. He did.

As Taylor grew, 3 sons were added to our family. Over the years Taylor’s relationship with each of her brother’s grew stronger and our family grew closer.

We prayed that the man who would marry Taylor also had a close relationship with his parents and siblings and understood our deep commitment to family. He did and he does.

We prayed that the little boy who would one day take our daughter would grow up become strong and courageous. He did.

We prayed that this special man would have a deep and always growing relationship with the Lord. He does.

We prayed that this young man would love Taylor with all his heart and be dedicated to leading her, protecting her, to her well being and happiness. He does and he is.

We are deeply humbled and grateful that our gracious God answered each and every one of these prayers and so many more.

Let me tell you, when God is ready to move He MOVES!!! The last six months have been a whirlwind.

Taylor and Sam had known each other for a couple of years but had recently reconnected in January. In late January Bowen and I met him for the first time. Over the next few weeks Sam met my boys and some extended family. In March Taylor and Sam took Bowen and I out for coffee to tell us that they were getting serious. In April Sam came to work with us at the ranch during shearing. I mean, is there a better way to put the boyfriend to the test? Sam did lots of things for the first time and passed with flying colors.

At the end of April Sam asked Bowen for Taylor’s hand in marriage and asked each brother for their blessing. ( Oh, my heart!!)

In early may he asked my opinion on a ring and we began planning a proposal for fourth of July when everyone would be home at the ranch. The beautiful new ring began burning a hole in Sam’s pocket and he asked if it would be possible to move up the proposal date.

We scrambled to get everyone’s schedules in sync, including some of Sam’s family who would be flying in from Maryland. The new date was set for Memorial Day weekend.

We snuck Sam’s parents, 2 sisters and a niece into town and met them for the first time the night before the proposal. The two families together decorated a special place for Sam to pop the question the next day.

The next morning after several delays, rain and unexpected circumstances, Sam and Taylor finally arrived at the proposal site where we had 2 photographers hidden. The rest of us waited at the house and prayed together over the new couple’s future. We had a surprise brunch waiting for their return.

There are really no words to describe the magical day so I will just let the photos tell the rest.

So many smiles and so much joy! Two families coming together to celebrate God's faithfulness and all that is ahead!

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