Welcome 2016!! Wow!!! Does that seem impossible to anyone else? 2016?
Yesterday my youngest boys went back to high school and my oldest left to return to college this morning. I can't drag it out any longer...the holidays are over. Insert sad face :(
Like almost everyone else, I am committing to getting back on track with my exercise! I am determined to be in much better shape by summer!! This body ain't getting any younger so I better help it out as much as I can! Notice I am not making any diet goals. I am too much of a food lover, cook and baker to make any crazy diet goals! So....I better ramp up my exercise!!
I got a Fit Bit Charge as a Christmas gift and time to put it (and me) to work!!!
Going to shoot for the 10,000 steps a day ( ahem...MOST days) goal. Who else is making health and fitness a priority for 2016? I will try to keep some sort of a record (how's that for a commitment, lol) on my instagram with the hashtag #healthysteps2016 I would love for you to join me there and share your#healthysteps2016 !!!! Make sure you are following me on Instagram @lonestarbarn
Here's to a healthier 2016!! God Bless!